onsdag den 24. marts 2010

"Please do Warband X for Coreheim"

We keep getting requests for more warbands so I'll try to say a few words on why there are only six warbands in Coreheim.

The first thing to understand is that the more warband that are introduced, the harder it becomes to balance things. A one eminent statistician said of Warhammer 40K/ Fantasy, "with 10+ different armies, things become impossible to balance out".

Another thing to remember is that some races, while viable in Warhammer games, are simply not compatible with the Mordheim or Coreheim skirmish engine. Elves for example, are a very good case in point: Whereas you could limit their numbers and thereby balance them somewhat, this still won't make for a fun campaign. Generally, extreme warbands that only fighy by shooting or only fight by close combat reduce interaction between players, which makes for a less fun game overall.

This is the reason why all bands can do some shooting in Coreheim, and even the Undead, worst shooters of the lot are not straight up Close Combat monsters, but need proper maneuvers to make the most of the setup.

A third reason not to expand on the range of existing warbands is fluff. This is the least important reason for us. But even so, many players seem to miss the fact that Games Workshop's Mordheim was never a skirmish adaptation of the Fantasy world, but rather a quite specific setting within the Empire, dominated by humans, and with a distinct, gothic, low-fantasy feel to it. (Whereas the Fantasy world in general is more colourful and high-fantasy.)

Now, even after these arguments have been advanced, I know that there will still be some players who will wish to create more warbands for Coreheim. And even though such warbands will probably never be offically endorsed by Coreheim, we'd be curious to see what you come up with out there.

Finally, a list of races that we have been getting requests for, and our estimations of their adaptability to Coreheim:

Could be adapted for Coreheim:
- Other Skaven Clans
- Chaos Dwarfs (with hobgoblin henchmen) (give Dwarves Pack Rat as racial skill)
- Orcs (limit max number of Orcs to ~7, keep warband initaitive low, dont let them take normal swords)

Cannot be adapted for Coreheim:
- Elves (no bad henchmen available)
- Dwarves (no bad henchmen available)

4 kommentarer:

  1. Dwarves can be adapted, Either you have younglings with human stats, or you have a warband number of about 8-10, with very expensive henchmens with a breakpoint at 3 models, (their stubborn nature).

    I agree with the elves tho, unless you want to make them like the only warband with only heroes, like the spyrers in Necromunda, wich I think could work. With 6 heroes from start.
    (harder to justify it with fluff tho, but I kinda like the idea of super elite elves..(only race I think should be super elite.. :P))

    Orcs, yes please, 3 Orc heroes, 1 goblin shaman(goblin shamans are the coolest) 1 goblin hero, 4 orc henchmen, no squigs, 1 normal troll.

  2. Good comment.

    I have made an all-hero Elf Warband which I hesitate to publish because 1 it has not been playtested and 2 it will not play so nicely. As I said:

    "Generally, extreme warbands that only fighy by shooting or only fight by close combat reduce interaction between players, which makes for a less fun game overall."

    I don't think that Dwarfs with human stats is fluffy.

  3. Hmmm....

    We have discussed solving the problem with players not getting to use their old models, (elves, dwarves etc.) in coreheim by simply using the mercenaries warband to play those races.

    I think it works just fine since mercs have most weapon choices available, and are versatile enough to get somwhere close to most of those races old tactics. Sure your elves won't start with elfbows and elfcloaks, but the reiklanders all have bs4 or even 5, and just putting your dwarves on the table and playing will soon remove the feel of your dwarves not being dwarves.

    The game balance is unbroken and everyone is happy.

  4. Ive been thinking alot about elves for Coreheim - and i think the only way to justify Fluff wise and warband wise - is to make a Elf Renegade Warband - alot like the Pro Elf team in BB - no specific alignment dark or fair - and to reduce Toughness and initiative due to Elven's oversensitivity to warp stone (to essentially make them a Merc warband). i think Sjogren's idea of simply playing with the merc list, is probably the best way of doing it.
