torsdag den 7. november 2013

Take a free MBTI Test

Here's something you should for yourself: Take a free MBTI test here and then see what celebrities you are like.

This MBTI test really is a great way for you to know more about yourself.

The MBTI test is a very popular personality test that is used by a lot of Companies and people all around the World in order to gain a better understanding of an individuals psychological type, or personality type. MBTI goes all the way back to Freud's apprentice Carl Jung, who first formulated the idea of the sixteen MBTI personality types in the 1920ies. Since then there have been a lot of free MBTI tests that you can take online, but they are typically not very good. Well, this one is, at least it is the best I have seen :-)

The test is free and easy to take. Beides Jung, it was designed by Myers and Briggs and David Keirsey. They also made their own versions of the test, but they didn't really connect it to accurate research and celebrities the way the celebritytypes test does.

I know that there is a lot of sub-par content on the net and that many of the free MBTI tests online are kinda bad. But this test is in my opinon proof that once in a while, something really original really comes along on the internet. Its not all plagarism and Buzzfeed list-articles.

So go take the test and find out if you're an introvert (I) or extrovert (E), iNtuitive (N) or sensor (S), feeler or thinker, or judger (J) or perciever (P)

As with regards to Coreheim, I think this is the way the types fit the warbands:
  • Reiklanders: ISTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ
  • Marienburgers: ISFP, ENTP, ESTP
  • Middenheimers: ESFP, INFP
  • Witch Hunters: ENTJ, ESTJ
  • Cult of Possessed: INTJ, ENFP
  • Undead: ISFJ, INTP
  • Skaven: ISTP, INFJ
(Go to to see all the types.)

Incidentally, if you are wondering what is happening to Coreheim, we have pretty much stopped updating those rules, but we still do balance fixes and bug fixes when players write in a coreheim [a] - - so keep the balance input coming and we'll be sure to  have the best, most balance rules around ready for your free download.

On the other hand, though, the reason we are not updating those rules any more is that we've simply grown tired of the knocked down / stunned mechanic. It seems slow and completely random compared to simply having hitpoints (multiple wounds). However, under GW systems, wounds are something very big and brutal - we really need to re-think wounds in order to be something smaller, something more fluid; like video games. What, for example, if a warrior had 12-20 wounds, depending on his type? Then Maces could dish out less damage than axes, and halberds, morning stars, and flails could have an all around damage boost. That could really make the game more easily to balance and design. Who ever thought of using only D6s for a skirmish game anyway?